Holistic massage is a physical therapy generating a response in the body, enhancing health and well-being. Massage will also alleviate muscle tension, stress and anxiety. Holistic massage will nurture and support, enhance energy and revitalise the mind and body, restoring calmness within. Kathy works with clients assessing physical and emotional needs to provide an individually tailored treatment, working instinctively to address areas of tension and stress. Kathy uses a variety of clinical, evidence based massage techniques and pressures to suit individual needs, providing the optimal treatment for all clients.
Your treatment starts with a full consultation, including a postural assessment ensuring your individual needs are met. Treatments are provided on a height adjustable electric massage couch, using massage wax in all treatments, which can optionally include aromatherapy.
Each client responds to massage uniquely. Clients feel many benefits, including reduced muscle tension, increased relaxation, improved mobility and sleep. You will feel calm and uplifted, nourished and grounded. Following the initial treatment, you may require further treatment to achieve the results you are looking for, depending on your presenting condition. After your massage you need to allow time to relax a little and drink water to avoid dehydration. I will also prescribe a homecare programme and advice for you to take home to support your massage treatment.