Lymphatic Drainage in Cardiff

Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD) is a specialist reflexology technique which stimulates specific lymphatic reflexes on the feet. Primarily, it assists with the management of secondary lymphoedema occurring from the treatment of breast cancer however it has also been shown to help with primary lymphoedema in some cases. Over a period of time, there can be a significant reduction of fluid out of the affected limb and thus a reduction of further fluid build-up.

Lymph is usually moved around the body by the massaging effect of the surrounding muscles but if the muscles get damaged or perhaps there is abnormal development of the lymphatic system, there can then be an increase in fluid in the body tissues and it is this which may lead to lymphoedema.

Researched and developed by Sally Kay, reflexology lymph drainage has delivered amazing results to sufferers of lymphoedema. For breast cancer clients, we measure the arm before and after the treatment and calculate the reduction in size.

Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage can also be used for patients suffering with Auto-Immune Conditions, Chronic Fatigue; Fibromyalgia, Asthma and Arthritis.

How often do I need Lymphatic Drainage?

The frequency of lymphatic drainage massage can vary depending on the individual and the condition being treated. Typically lymphatic drainage is usually performed once or twice a week, although some people may benefit from more frequent treatments.

In our consultation at my Cardiff clinic we can determine the appropriate frequency and duration of lymphatic drainage massage for your specific needs, where I will be able to assess your condition and recommend a treatment plan that is tailored to you.

It should also be remembered that lymphatic drainage is usually part of a comprehensive treatment plan that may include other therapies, such as exercise, compression therapy, and skin care; of which we will discuss together.

a pregnant woman who has just had reflexology treatment in Cardiff

What symptoms could Lymphatic Drainage help me with?

The lymphatic system is a network of organs, tissues, and vessels that help to circulate lymph throughout the body. Its primary function is to remove waste products and toxins from the body. If the lymphatic system is not functioning properly, these toxins can accumulate and potentially cause a range of health issues. I perform lymphatic drainage in Cardiff for a variety of different conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Swelling in the fingers and tighter fitting rings
  • Skin problems, such as dryness or itchiness
  • Increased likelihood of sinus infections
  • Greater susceptibility to the flu and colds
  • Allergies or sensitivities to certain foods
  • Unexpected weight gain
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Digestive issues, such as constipation or bloating
  • Onset of depression or brain fog
  • Chronic fatigue

Lymphatic Drainage for Lymphedema

Lymphedema is a condition in which fluid builds up and causes swelling in the body's tissues. This is often caused by damage or surgery to the lymph nodes or vessels and can disrupt the regular flow of lymph fluid in the body.

In being a gentle massage technique, lymphatic drainage is designed to stimulate the lymphatic system and encourage the natural drainage of lymph fluid. Due to improving the flow of lymph, lymphatic drainage massage may help to reduce swelling and improve the symptoms of lymphedema. It may also help to improve immune function and reduce the risk of infection in people suffering with lymphedema.

A lady holding her baby after receiving postnatal reflexology treatment
a diagram of the lymphatic system

What is our Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system helps to protect our bodies from infection and disease. It is part of the body’s immune system. Lymphatic fluid passes through lymph nodes located in the neck, armpit and groin into a network of lymph vessels which connects the lymph nodes together.

Lymph nodes act as a filter, trapping and destroying anything harmful that our body does not need. Inside the lymph nodes are white blood cells, also called lymphocytes, and these white blood cells attack and break down bacteria, viruses, and damaged cells.

The fluid in our lymphatic system carries the waste products and destroyed bacteria in our bodies and back into the bloodstream, whereby the liver or kidneys then remove these from the blood. The body then passes them out with other body waste, through bowel movements or urine.

Sometimes, lymph nodes trap bacteria or viruses that they cannot eliminate immediately, for example, when we have an infection or virus. When the lymph nodes are fighting the infection, they often swell and become sore to touch. Manual lymphatic drainage massage can help to eliminate these symptoms.

Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage

  • Debloats and Depuffs

    Fluid retention is something that happens to the majority of us from time to time. A lymphatic drainage massage helps to ease the fluid away from the affected areas, (ankles, feet, legs, wrists, arms) manoeuvring the fluid toward the lymph nodes where it can be eliminated from our bodies.

    A Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage can leave you feeling lighter and re- energised as harmful toxins and bacteria is eliminated from your body. If you suffer with heavy legs or arms this can be a huge benefit.

  • Breaks down Cellulite and Fat Cells

    During a manual lymphatic drainage massage a specialised practitioner can target cellulite using a technique that over time may contribute to the smoothing of dimpled skin. This manual massage process also aims to break down fat cells with some people reporting that it has helped them to lose weight faster.

  • Gives skin a glow

    Massaged skin often glows because your blood circulation has been given a boost. Whereby Manual Lymphatic Drainage can improve the appearance of limbs, legs, neck and chest, some clients also notice the skin on their face looks more luminous as a result of stimulated blood flow.

  • Post injury swelling

    Often after an injury, we may find that the affected area doesn’t circulate fluids as well as before, which in turn causes bloating and excess swelling (oedema). Excess puffiness may be a sign that your lymphatic system isn’t working quite as efficiently as it should, so a lymphatic drainage massage can help to drain some of the swelling away.

  • Optimises results after Liposuction or Body Enhancement Surgery

    If you are thinking of or have undergone liposuction or a body sculpting treatment a manual lymphatic drainage treatment will help with post-surgery recovery and enhance the contoured results. Following written consent from your surgeon or medical team, manual lymphatic drainage can be carried out soon after your procedure.

  • Eases tension in the body

    Last, but certainly not least, a lymphatic drainage massage can be truly relaxing. The sweeping gestures and increased stimulated flow of lymphatic fluid often works wonders at easing tension throughout your body. Therefore, if you are feeling pent up, lie back and allow me to ease away your stresses, all while receiving the other benefits of manual lymphatic drainage.

Contact me now for Cardiff based Lymphatic Drainage treatment

If you live within the Cardiff area and are wondering if lymphatic drainage could assist you with a possible condition you currently have, please get in touch with me; I very much look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to fill in a form and I will get back to you. Alternatively call or text me on +44 7852 485311, or book now.